Monday, November 26, 2012

This smells like...

Chris has been working a lot of handyman jobs lately.  Sometimes he can squeeze in three or four different homes in a week.  At dinner last night he said, "All homes have a smell.  It's not always bad, but they all have a smell.  Obviously the homeowners can't smell their own home and it got me thinking... What do you think our house smells like?"

I smiled, "Hon, I spent a lot of high school and early college years babysitting.  Every house with a diapered child smells exactly the same.  Clean, dirty, doesn't matter.  They always smell the same.  I bet our house smells like that."

Confused, he asked, "What does it smell like?"

I set my fork down gingerly and said as gently as possible...

"Poop honey.  Our house probably smells like poop."

I have a feeling Chris will refrain from inviting folks over until Cash is potty trained.


Lizzie M. said...

Hilarious and oh, so true!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Poopourri, it's the latest scent!