Friday, August 15, 2008

Flashback to Flash-forward Friday…

When Liz and I attended the same college, we carpooled to our classes. Gas was a whopping $1.04 a gallon and for 10 bucks, we could fill the tank on the little Honda – or the ‘pregnant roller-skate’ as James liked to call it. How sad that the good old days were less than 10 years ago.

I was in desperate need of some air last night – and no Chris didn’t cause this… surprisingly (love you babe). In the 'good old days', if I had a bad day, I’d drive to the beach, stick my feet in the water, and let the sound of the roaring waves sooth me. It’s genetic. When we were little and mom was on the border of committing deeds warranting the attention of Child Protective Services, she’d drive far, far, far away and come back when she’d cooled down… weeks later. Don’t judge her, you didn’t have to live with us. Not everyone thinks at home tattoos or gopher raising is as cool as we did – especially when we lost the gophers… in the house… near moms bedroom.


With gas brinking on the $5 mark, my driving to get some air isn’t exactly the same.

Last night I drove…

down the street and into the next neighborhood...

because it costs about 10 bucks in gas to drive to the beach.

I parked, rolled down all my windows, and sat listening to the sounds of the cars fly by on the busy street. I thought that maybe I could imagine those sounds to be soothing waves… then I realized that I would probably suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning from all the fumes and quickly rolled my windows back up.

I tried to squint my eyes and make the headlights look like bright lights in a star filled sky but since I don’t suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or the vision of the myopic Sasquatch from ‘The Soup’…

It didn’t work.

About an hour later, I headed back home… a little light headed…perhaps I should have shut the vents.

I was greeted by Beth, Zach, Brian, and Chris watching the Olympics on TV. After cheering and laughs with good friends…

I suddenly didn’t need the ocean anymore.

Cheers to those who are there for you in person… and on the phone.

Don’t get me wrong though…

I still hate the gas prices.


Beth said...

I love you Beks!! Just think lots and lots of wine is calling our name... and of course some sydney white ;)

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you too Beks!


Deborah Hays said...

Weeks!!!!! I was gone weeks????? How awesome would that have been! Going down to the beach is heavenly, but weeks??? I wish!!! :-)

Love you, mom

TheFitnessFreak said...

Next time call me and I'll go with you, half price gas!

Lizzie M. said...

Oh, the good old days of gassing up at the Arco on Bradley after a work-out!!!!