Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why is it available?

I was able to switch my Alaskan training to a far more friendly climate in Washington.  I love, love, love Washington.  I'm just a rainy dreary sort of girl.

The training was absolutely fascinating, by far one of my favorites - very helpful.  The feds put on the class and since they like to recruit from their current staff pool, they shared two investigative positions available. The trainer spent nearly 30 minutes talking about the positions and I was sold.  One of them had my name all over it.  My absolute dream job.  Finally.  Completely within my grasp.

I went back to the hotel and talked to Chris about it.  He was open to me applying for the position if I felt so strongly about it.

"That's weird" he said, "That two positions became available in the same area at the same time.  Two old dudes retire?"

"Uhhhh. Not exactly..." I stammered.

"Quit?!!  You want to move and jump into a job someone QUIT?!?!?" he said.

"Um. No. They didn't quit... they were sort of... murdered.  Their investigation led them to a not so nice group of folks...uh...who had them murdered."

Chris stares at me... then walks out.

I guess that means no.


Deborah Hays said...

You'd still do it wouldn't you..if you could...leaving your dear old mother behind. What is up with my kids?? I'm happy to read that Christopher didn't even resound to you. Thanks son. Brother!!

Beks said...

In a heartbeat.

Darn Chris.